Sanjay Gupta, Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper. Who Would Larry King Rather ‘F**k, Marry or Kill’?

By Alex Weprin 

In a bizarre but highly entertaining interview, GQ gets former CNN host Larry King to play “F**k Marry Kill,” the game in which the player must choose which individual they would sleep with, which one they would marry, and which one they could do without. If you ever wanted to know how King really felt about Piers Morgan, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta, this interview will fill that void:

GQ: Another FMK: Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Sanjay Gupta.
Larry King: And the three choices are again to what?

GQ: You can have sex with one, marry one, and kill one. And you have to assign one to each.
Larry King: Okay. Sex with Sanjay Gupta. He’s the prettiest of the three. Kill Wolf Blitzer. Even though he’s Jewish, the name sounds German. You have to kill the German when you’re Jewish. So I’d marry who?


GQ: Anderson Cooper.
Larry King: Yes, I’d marry Anderson Cooper. That’s logical.

As for Piers:

GQ: Would you rather spoon Piers Morgan for three nights in a row or put your iPhone in a blender and blend it and drink it?
Larry King: What does “spoon” mean?

GQ: It’s when you lie in bed and cuddle, both facing the same direction. You’d be the back spoon.
Larry King: I’d do the phone thing.
