Romney Takes Break From Bird-Flapping to Call Out Carl Cameron

By SteveK 

Fox News Correspondent Carl Cameron has made good use of all the new FNC technology while on the road covering the campaign. Still, covering the grind of the primary trail means listening to many of the same recycled speeches from each candidate over and over again.

Which means it probably caught Cameron off-guard when Mitt Romney took time during a speech on Sunday to jokingly call out Cameron by name.

On the “Cameron’s Corner” blog on, producer Shushannah Walshe writes about how Romney discussed a conversation he had with Cameron. He said, “Carl from Fox. You ever seen Carl on Fox News?”


After some applause, Romney continued, saying, “Oh don’t applaud. It will only encourage him. But anyway, he said to me ‘your story about the birds is what people are talking about after your events’ and I’ve only been talking about this for the last couple of days.”

Walshe goes on to explain the bird story, which apparently includes some arm flapping by the GOP candidate.

Scott Conroy, who blogs for from Romney’s campaign trail, picked up on the Romney flap.
