Questions: About FNC, O’Donnell, Hoffman, Sloan, Haddad, Early Show, Brown…

By Brian 

If you have answers — or a question to add to the list — drop it in the tip box…

> A tipster says “FNC execs (including the top dog Ailes) huddled in a conference room all day to watch the network,” while EPs were called “upstairs” periodically, adding that the “newsroom was abuzz.” Are layoffs happening? (Does that explain this job ad?) Update: 1:38pm: “Roger holds these types of meetings occasionally just to keep producers on top of their game,” an e-mailer says. “There are no layoffs planned, but if Roger doesn’t like something, he’s not likely to keep people around either. Put it this way — the really good people who are doing their jobs well never have to worry.”

> Norah O’Donnell‘s MSNBC contract is up at the end of the month, according to the tip box. “O’Donnell’s protector was Rick Kaplan, who kept Norah in the MSNBC mix though she isn’t assigned to any show or broadcast. Now, Norah has nobody carving out a role for her,” so will she bolt? (Was she seen interviewing at Fox News?) Update: 4:23pm: A source says she has not interviewed at FNC. And an NBC insider says “Norah has LOTS of supporters at NBC News.”

> Is David Sloan the leading internal candidate to take Ben Sherwood‘s job at GMA? A tipster says “Sloan is a GMA veteran with very close ties to Diane Sawyer and Phyllis McGrady.” (What about John Green?)

> How did Tammy Haddad‘s meeting with ABC go on Wednesday?

> A tipster asks: “Is a certain Fox News anchorwoman being persued to CBS News for its struggling ‘Early Show?'”

> “I’ve been talking to some people about doing an interview program and maybe a couple of documentaries a year,” former CNN anchor Aaron Brown says. Who is he talking to?
