O’Reilly Takes On AP, LAT, Kos

By SteveK 

FNC anchor Bill O’Reilly unleashed a four minute Talking Points at the top of The O’Reilly Factor last night aimed at news organizations and web sites who were “disrespectful” to Tony Snow over the weekend.

One of his main qualms was with the editorializing found in Douglas K. Daniel’s Associated Press obituary of Snow. “Your opinion of his job performance doesn’t belong in an obituary,” he said. “It was an insult to Tony’s family and demonstrated once and for all the AP is no longer a news service — it has become a liberal clearinghouse.”

He also called out AP president Tom Curley for, “hiding under his desk” (not coming on The Factor) and drew viewers to his web site to contact Curley.


He also took umbrage with the Los Angeles Times (“in desperate economic trouble“) and The Daily Kos for allowing commmenters to attack Snow. But who, “should be applauded?” The Huffington Post, for stopping the attack comments.

Click continued to see the opening segment…
