O’Reilly: “CNN Owes It To Their Audience…To Correct The Record”

By SteveK 

Bill O’Reilly spent his Talking Points memo last night to go after CNN and correspondent Drew Griffin after the fallout from Griffin’s interview with Gov. Sarah Palin.

O’Reilly said Griffin “totally distorted what [Byron] York wrote in the article,” and said The Factor called CNN for comment and got none.

“I haven’t been critical of CNN during the campaign,” said O’Reilly. “They’ve been pretty honest in their coverage, I believe.”


Later in the show, O’Reilly had York on to discuss the issue. “CNN owes it to their audience, and owes it to Gov. Palin, to correct the record,” said the FNC host.

• FNC’s Greta Van Susteren also discussed the interview on her show last night with Newt Gingrich. Here’s her take on Gretawire.

> Update: We hear there will be an announcement from CNN regarding the interview later this afternoon.

Click continued to see O’Reilly’s Talking Points segment…
