Obama Officials Make Interview Rounds

By kevin 

Obama’s cabinet members are sitting for interviews this week to discuss two of the administration’s top priorities: Afghanistan and the economy.

CNN’s John Roberts nabs the first interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following her appeal to NATO for more troops in Afghanistan. Roberts is co-anchoring “American Morning” this week from Brussels, Belgium. That interview will air Friday starting at 6amET.
This morning, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on CNBC’s “Sqwuawk Box” with Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, Carl Quintanilla, and Steve Liesman to discuss jobs and unemployment. The program was a special edition titled “Squawk Goes to Washington” and was broadcast from the Cash Room at the Treasury Department.
Fox Business Network will have Geithner on this evening, when he will sit down with Liz Claman at 5pmET. It will be the first time Geithner has appeared on FBN. Throughout the day, Neil Cavuto is anchoring for the network from the roof of the commerce building in D.C. for the White House Job Summit.
Yesterday afternoon, Charlie Gibson sat down with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in Washington, D.C. following the secretary’s testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. The interview aired on ABC “World News” last evening, which was broadcast from Washington.

> More: Pres. Obama did interviews this morning with Gannett publications USA Today and the Detroit Free Press. Gannett TV cameras were also there. So, if you live in a city with a Gannett station (we’re looking at you Atlanta, Minneapolis, Phoenix, St. Louis, etc.) you’ll see the interview during your local evening newscast.

> More: FishbowlDC reports that Secretaries Clinton and Gates “will duet on ‘Meet the Press,’ ‘Face the Nation’ and ‘This Week.’ CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ and ‘Fox News Sunday” will be offered another desirable administration guest.”


Gates and Clinton did their first joint interview in October with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
