Moyers on O’Reilly: “Bill Is Not a Journalist, He’s a Pugilist”

By Chris Ariens 

On this scorching east coast weekend, things got plenty hot in Minneapolis, too. At the National Conference for Media Reform, O’Reilly Factor producer Porter Berry confronted PBS’ Bill Moyers who delivered the keynote address to the conference.

Most of the discussion was about which Bill would end up on the other’s show first. “Bill doesn’t have the courage to come on my show,” Moyers said at one point. Then Bill M. explained what it would take to go on Bill O.’s show:

“I will come on the O’Reilly show first when Rupert Murdoch has explained why we’re not getting $20 barrel oil for the Iraq war he said would deliver. Secondly, I will come on Bill O’Reilly’s show after he accepts my invitation to be on my show. Unedited discussion, tghe whole hour. And then I will come on Bill O’Reilly’s show”


But that’s not all…
