Middle East Crisis: Moody Tells FNCers “How Not to Label the Holy City”

By Brian 

USN&WR’s Washington Whispers reports: “It’s no secret that Fox likes its news a certain way. John Moody, the network’s senior VP for news, sends out daily missives micromanaging coverage. Last week, as rockets rained on Nazareth in Israel, Moody instructed: ‘The attacks on Nazareth become the lead until further notice. Nazareth is a historic and holy city. We can refer to it as the holy city, the biblical city, etc. Let’s NOT call it the ‘hometown of Jesus’ though many would argue the city’s favorite son turned out pretty well.’ Apparently, not everyone got the memo, as Fox ran graphics about rocket strikes on ‘the birthplace of Jesus’ later that day” (via Wonkette)…
