Megyn Kelly Apologizes for Guest Who Called Tucker Carlson a ‘Bow-tyin’ White Boy’

By Chris Ariens 

At the end of her show today, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly apologized for FNC analyst Jehmu Greene who, during a debate about democratic Massachusetts senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, referred to Tucker Carlson as a a “bow-tyin’ white boy.” Greene and Carlson were going at it over how Warren’s claims of Cherokee ancestry have become a campaign issue. Greene, a democratic strategist, said, “To question this woman on her qualifications is going to be something that does appeal to folks like you, voters like you bow-tyin’ white boys, but at the end of the day….”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Tucker jumped in, “You can use name-calling all you like, but you’re ignoring the truth.” Carlson was known for donning bow ties during his CNN days. Not so much anymore. But he is white, and not at all Cherokee.


(h/t J$P)
