“Long Island Girl” Petallides Describes Covering Economy in Tough Times

By SteveK 

Self-described “Long Island Girl” Nicole Petallides is profiled by Long Island’s Boulevard Magazine this month. “While it’s a hard job, which has recently become even harder, Petallides couldn’t imagine doing anything else,” writes Ilena Ryan.

“I tread carefully and I try to be empathetic because as a business reporter, everyone tells me their stories of loss and it really is tough,” says Petallides. “I mean, I sometimes can’t sleep at night.”

She also describes the excitement of the job. “I love when they’re in my ear and they say ’30 seconds!’ and news is breaking and I can deliver it as it happens,” she says. “I hope to connect with the viewer. I enjoy what I do a lot.”


Related: Advice from FBN’s Alexis Glick:

— Money-saving tips in Good Housekeeping

— Tips to spending time with your spouse in Working Mother
