Katie’s Goodbye: Quotables

By Brian 

> AP: “To everyone in TV land, thanks so much.”

> Reuters: “I leave this morning not with a heavy heart…but with a very full heart, filled with love and memories and, yes, gratitude.”

> People: “You’ve held America’s hand during a lot of difficult times,” Ann Curry told Couric…

> People: Couric said of her colleagues, “They’re not just coworkers. They’re lifelong friends.” Then, turning to Lauer, she said, “And I know I’ll never have a partner like you – because I’ll never be working with a partner again.”

> AP: Lauer said “people talk about chemistry [but] I have never been able to define it. From my end it came from genuine love and respect and I’m going to miss you.”

> Reuters: “I never dreamed I would see a rainbow over Victoria Falls, walk silently among the crosses above the beaches of Normandy, see the Blue Mountains of Australia or get a tour of 10 Downing Street from Tony Blair — and that’s just a small sampling of what I’m grateful for.”
