Katie’s Debut: More Instant Reactions

By Brian 

> “I’m at another network. And I have to say CBS did pretty good for an opening night. They’ll get shit for baby Suri pictures — but if it wasn’t that it would be something else. She opened the show with good journalism — a long story. This isn’t Extra or Dateline — it’s a show we’ll have to contend with…”

> Eat the Press: “Overall a smooth and genuine performance by Couric in what was a very slickly-produced production with all sorts of moving parts…”

> “Gimmicky, gimmicky, gimmicky. Tried too hard to be too slick. It will be revamped within the next few months minus the special ‘segments.’ They definitely didn’t utilize Katie to her fullest by banking on what separates her from the other two anchors…”

> “Does CBS really think we’re so dumb that we will see those Cruise baby pictures as consistent with the history of CBS Evening News? How insulting…”

> “Katie’s eyes looked odd — worse in HD — and the story selection and story count was poor…”

> “Definitely seems like the story count on Couric’s show was low. Hope that increases. Otherwise the show differentiates itself from ABC and NBC and that alone may make it successful…”

> “Although she looked a little nervous, not bad for a first outing. I really liked the casual feeling of the newscast… people aren’t responding to the stuffy anchor desk type newscasts anymore. However, they need to speed it up, the first newscast was way too light on hard news…things can only get better from here…”
