‘It’s Outrageous’: Critic Says CNN’s Van Jones Had No Place ‘On the Streets’ in Ferguson

By Mark Joyella 

Van JonesIn a discussion of media coverage of the Ferguson grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown case–and the violence that followed–Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik criticized CNN’s decision to have political analyst Van Jones on the street alongside CNN’s reporters and anchors. “It’s outrageous,” Zurawik told NPR’s Bob Garfield, describing Jones as “one of the fiercest ideologues on cable television.”

Zurawik compared Jones to an analyst like Karl Rove, and argued he should never have stood next to Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. “Why would you put him on the streets? It’s outrageous to put that guy out there on the streets. There’s kids in college studying journalism who are more equipped to be on the streets covering that story for CNN than he was.”

Listen to the full conversation, after the jump:

