In Profile: Piers Morgan, Bret Baier

By Alex Weprin 

  • CNN’s Piers Morgan is profiled by the tabloid he once edited, the Daily Mirror:  “I try and give them a good picture and they’re quite happy and move on,” he says. “I have no time for whinging hypocritical celebrities. I use the media to promote my TV shows and books and in return I expect they’ll want to cover my life. “If I don’t like what they write, tough. Fame is a two-way street.”

  • Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier returns to his alma mater, DePauw University: “Listen, people meld opinion and news together,” he stated, adding that “they think sometimes it’s just one animal.  Rachel Maddow is not, you know, Brian Williams, and believe me, Brian Williams wants you to know that. I am not Sean Hannity, and I want you to know that.  So there needs to be a separation in the mindset that there is a news section and opinion section, just like a newspaper.”  But Baier says outlets have not done a good job of helping consumers of information make that distinction.
