How To Cope With Covering the Crisis

By SteveK 

Newsday’s Verne Gay asks various financial newsers how they cope with covering the recession on a daily basis.

FBN’s Alexis Glick:

“Some days when I look back at myself in the fall, when things started to become unraveled, and individual family members of mine started losing their jobs or homes were on the edge of foreclosure. I felt pretty depressed. It’s hard because we’re so connected to the people we’re talking to. For Glick, her refuge is family: “I shoot hoops with my boys.”


CNBC’s Charlie Gasparino:

“I work out every day for an hour and 15 minutes,” he says, and by “work out,” “Gaspo” — as he’s known to colleagues — does wind sprints by the East River near his home in Stuyvesant Town and a fast set of 36 pull-ups and sit-ups. “You just crank ’em out,” he says. The nighttime decompression routine, however, is different: “I do occasionally include an alcoholic beverage.”

FBN’s Peter Barnes:

“Mindless movies on Friday night” are a standard outlet. “Every Monday I feel like I’m starting a marathon,” he says. His social life has evaporated: “I feel terrible about it, because I miss a lot of my friends, but realistically I’m just…fried. I don’t want to have to go out and do anything.”

Related: The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz writes about the “snap judgments” being made on the cable networks about President Obama’s first 50 days, due to the “fast-forward culture.”
