FNC’s Bret Baier Praised for Tough Interview With Ted Cruz

By Mark Joyella 

Colleagues at ABC and CBS gave credit to Fox News anchor Bret Baier for an interview with Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz that got attention for its potential impact on Cruz’s campaign.

Baier grilled the senator for saying one thing, and doing another in a vote on immigration reform, playing Cruz’s comments and pushing back when Cruz attempted to explain. “Well, wait a second senator. That is not what you said at the time,” Baier said. “That is not what you said at the time.”

As ABC’s Rick Klein points out in The Note, “the Texas senator’s interview with Bret Baier on Fox News Wednesday night was a clarifying dissection of his actions during the Senate fight over immigration reform, a series of events Cruz himself holds up as a central part of his campaign.”


Journalists at CBS News and BuzzFeed were also impressed:
