FNC At 10: “People Confuse The Basic Mission” Of FNC With Opinion Shows

By Brian 

An excerpt from Deborah Solomon‘s questions for Chris Wallace:

  What led you to take a job at Fox after decades in the news divisions at the major networks?

I used to sit in my office in ABC and have cable news on and wonder at the fact that for the vast majority of the day, ABC, CBS and NBC were in the selling-soap business, while the cable networks were actually doing news.

But why go to Fox News, of all channels, which has been criticized for having a conservative bias?

I thought it got a bad rap from the national media and the chattering classes. It did a fair, aggressive and extremely watchable job of presenting the news during the day. People confuse the basic mission of Fox News for the political-opinion shows they have at night, which clearly are conservative.

Eat the Press thinks Wallace is a jerk…
