Did Scientology Flack Try to Kill ‘Nightline’ Story?

By Chris Ariens 

More details are emerging about Martin Bashir’s interview last week with Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis. At one point in the two-part interview, Bashir began asking about the church’s scriptures and beliefs. Davis got upset, ripped off his mic and walked out of the room. But Page Six reports Davis went to ABC News HQ to try and get the story spiked.

…just 45 minutes before the segment was to air on Thursday, Davis showed up at ABC headquarters on West 67th Street and asked to speak to Bashir and the show’s executive producer about the interview.

“He demanded to a security guard that he be let in,” a network insider told Page Six. “The guard called ‘Nightline’ staffers down to come deal with him. He was told as politely as possible that the piece was cut and in the can and could not be changed and that Martin would be unable to see him. He was then asked to leave.” Adds our source, “He was not happy.”

