Dan Rather: If One of My Staffers Were Held Captive, I’d ‘Negotiate for Ransom’

By Jordan Chariton 

Rather.jpgAppearing on “Reliable Sources” yesterday, Dan Rather reacted to the beheading of journalist James Foley and described what he’d do if one of his journalists were captured by terrorists.

“If some member of our ‘Dan Rather Reports’ team was kidnapped, I’d be looking to negotiate for ransom,” Rather said.

“And you can criticize that if you want, damn if you want, but the loyalty to our people who work with us and take these great chances engenders loyalty back,” he continued.  Earlier in the program, Foley’s boss, GlobalPost CEO Phil Balboni, said “it’s suicide for a journalist to go into Syria now.”


Over on “MediaBuzz,” Howard Kurtz examined whether news organizations should’ve shown footage from Foley’s beheading. “We are not showing you images from the execution videotape, which were splashed all across television, and the web, and the New York tabloids, and social media.  And the reason is, that’s what ISIS wants; to spread fear and disgust, and most of the media played into their hands.

