Couric To CBS: “Our First Date”

By Brian 

Following up on this: Lloyd Grove reports that Bob Schieffer ordered a burger and Katie Couric had chicken salad at Michael’s. “The restaurant comped them with some festive desserts (‘Good job, Bob,’ said the icing on Schieffer’s; ‘Congratulations, Katie,’ said Couric’s) – which neither of them touched.”

During the “very public lovefest,” Schieffer gushed: “She’s the best thing that ever happened to CBS News.” Couric called it “our first date…”

> Update: 10:35am: “The Schieffer Couric ‘date’ completely looks like a publicity stunt by her agent to cool off Schieffer’s viewers who are planning to switch network news when he leaves and she starts. I would guess that more of these ‘dates’ will happen before Couric goes on the air in the anchor chair,” an e-mailer says.

> Update: 10:40am: “Imagine that! A photographer just happened to be at Michael’s to snap that photo of Schieffer and Couric,” a tipster writes…
