Charles Payne’s Pledge to Help Teens Get Jobs

By Merrill Knox 

Charles Payne is using a recent personal experience as motivation to help young job-seekers. On his Fox Business show this week, Payne recounted a story of seeing his godson coming back from a job interview in a suit and a black dress shirt.

“It really bothered me that he didn’t know to wear a white shirt, and then after we talked about it he said, ‘well, I don’t have a white dress shirt,’ so I decided I wanted to help,” Payne said. “Any New York City teen graduated from high school going straight into the job market, if you don’t have enough money to get a white dress shirt, go to Portabella on White Plains Road in the Bronx, ask for a Dr. Manuel. I’ve already pre-paid for 50 of these shirts — you’re going to get a shirt, and a tie, and a little hanky, too.”

Payne also encouraged the teens to bring their resumes, which he said would be looked at by a team of experts. Watch:

