Brzezinski on Lewandowski Case: ‘This Was a Joke From the Beginning’

By Mark Joyella 

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Friday, Mika Brzezinski described the assault claim against Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as “a joke from the beginning.”

Florida prosecutors announced their decision Thursday not to pursue a criminal case against Lewandowski, who was accused of assault by former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields. Brzezinski noted that prosecutors gave a detailed explanation of what did and did not happen in the encounter between Fields, Trump and Lewandowski and were essentially “totally debunking” Fields’ story.

“I don’t like what happened,” Brzezinski said three times in a row. “I think we–women–have a responsibility to make sure that we bring to the table valuable credibility. I think something that it sort of hard to talk about happened here. This was a joke from the beginning.”

