Barbara Corcoran, Exactly What You Thought

By kevin 

WWDMedia has a great profile of resident “Today” real-estate expert Barbara Corcoran that basically confirms all of the things you might have expected about her colorful on-air personality (and wardrobe). In addition to the full back-story of her rise to fame and wealth, TVNewser’s favorite anecdotes from the piece are her quite hilarious flirting habits, the time she rode out of her retirement party atop a white horse, and of course, the constant off-color remarks. Says Corcoran, “My big mouth has gotten me in a lot of trouble and it’s also made me a lot of money.”

Corcoran is one of those true media characters. As the article puts it:

She tells dirty jokes, uses bad words, and makes vaguely inappropriate comments about your physical appearance less because she’s a different kind of real estate broker than because she’s selling you the idea of a different kind of real estate broker. By being ever so slightly inappropriate (more PG-13 than R rated) she says, “I’m your friend, not your salesperson.” It’s smart, another way to close the deal.


Corcoran has consistently been upbeat about the American housing market even at a time when many brokers are crying themselves to sleep, something the article makes note of. While Corcoran’s prowess as an financial analyst may be questioned, her draw as an entertainer is not.
