Sharyl Attkisson Takes Criticism of Administration to Congress

By Mark Joyella 

Former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday as legislators consider Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch. “The message has already been received: if you cross the Administration with perfectly accurate reporting that they don’t like: you will be attacked and punished,” Attkisson said in her opening remarks. “You and your sources may be subjected to the kind of surveillance devised for enemies of the state.”

As The Washington Post notes, four witnesses before the committee–including Attkisson–were called by Republicans, and of those four, three–including Attkisson–have pending litigation against the administration.

Attkisson has sued the Department of Justice to obtain records she believes will prove her computer at CBS News was “hacked” by someone connected to the government, a charge the Justice Department has denied.

