29% Say Fox News “Too Critical” of Obama; 16% Say CNN/MSNBC “Too Easy” on Obama

By Chris Ariens 

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reveals some new data on how the American public (or at least the 1,000 people in a weekly nationwide ORC phone poll) responded to questions about which of the six broadcast and cable news networks have been too critical of Pres. Obama and which have been too soft.

The full results are in the chart to the left. But here’s how the cable nets stacked up:

• 29% say Fox News is too critical of Obama
• 11% say CNN is too critical of Obama
• 8% say MSNBC is too critical of Obama


• 16% say CNN is too easy on Obama
• 16% say MSNBC is too easy on Obama
• 5% say Fox News is too easy on Obama
