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How Volkswagen Just Squandered 55 Years of Great Advertising

Brand Marketing

"This Volkswagen missed the boat. The chrome strip on the glove compartment is blemished and must be replaced. Chances are you wouldn't have noticed it; inspector Kurt Kroner did."

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With $18 Billion in Media Up for Grabs, This Is a Huge Year for Dealmakers at Cannes

Brand Marketing

Beyond the judging, schmoozing and general bacchanalia of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is a significant amount of wheeling and dealing, be it to acquire an agency or [...]

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YouTube Crowns Its Ad of the Decade

Brand Marketing

Celebrities taking selfies is a hallmark of the modern entertainment age. And in the end, even "The Force" is powerless to stop it. Turkish Airlines' "Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie [...]

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Modern PSAs Shock or Amuse Where Classics Only Preached

Brand Marketing

Imagine you're watching an X-rated version of Game of Thrones (you don't have to admit that out loud), and all of a sudden, up pops a message about testicular cancer.

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This Clever Volkswagen Ad Is Exactly as Long as the Time You Can Spend With It


If you don't have time to watch this whole new commercial for Volkswagen Trucks, you can just skip to the end for a quickie version—no matter where you are in [...]

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VW’s Passat Clean Diesel Will Keep You, and Your Horrible Boys, Out of Gas Stations


Is this any way to celebrate Mother's Day? A trio of unholy terrors—pre-pubescent boys, presumably brothers—wreak havoc in a gas-station convenience store in "Mom," an amusing Volkswagen spot from Deutsch [...]