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Meet Pepper, the Robot Who’s Coming to America as an In-Store Customer Service Rep


You know how exasperating it feels to call a company and get stuck in an automated voice program instead of being connected to a human being? Soon, you'll be able [...]

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A Transformer-like Razor Battles a ‘Lube Strip’ in Schick’s Super Bowl Spot

Brand Marketing

You definitely want the Schick Hydro on your side. At least that's what Schick wants to get across to all the guys out there watching the Super Bowl on Sunday.

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4 Ways to Catch Robots’ Attention With Your Marketing

Performance Marketing

Decision-making consumers are a marketer's most important focus. Now imagine consumers having someone else deciding all their purchases—computers talking only to other computers, making decisions for their human "masters" without [...]

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Could Celebrity Robot Doppelgangers Be the Future Stars of Advertising?

Performance Marketing

CANNES, France—A celebrity android costs $100,000 to build, but it could literally be a moneymaking machine. That's why Dentsu, Japan's huge ad agency, is so interested in these robot doppelgangers.

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These Creepy Ads for Synthetic Humans Have Britain All Freaked Out


People in Britain who had settled in for a nice viewing of Prometheus this weekend were distressed, to say the least, when a realistic 30-second spot aired—completely unexplained—that advertised synthetic [...]

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This Demo Video of a New Robot Dog Is Creepy, Cool and Pretty Crazy


Letter carriers should be afraid. Very afraid. Meet Spot, a 160-pound, four-legged, dog-like robot developed by Google-owned defense contractor Boston Dynamics.