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Arnold Lieutenants Take Broader Roles

Brand Marketing

Paul Nelson and Elliott Seaborn have been promoted to managing directors at the Boston headquarters of Arnold.

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Best Female Brand Mascots

Brand Marketing

They’ve been with us for over a century now, greeting shoppers in store aisles, striking a pose on packaging, and popping up in TV spots and on the Web. If [...]

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Humans Get the Paint Job in Artsy Ads for Motorcycle Shows


Motorcycle shows always have hot girls around to show off the bikes, but design firm i.d.e.a.'s campaign for the Progressive International Motorcycle Shows took it one step further by turning [...]

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Flo Survives Progressive Scandal, Fronts New Charity Initiative


Remember six weeks ago, when people were calling for Flo's pale, peppy head on a platter after Progressive supposedly defended a customer's killer in court? Well, we knew Flo was [...]

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Flo Is a Problem for Progressive in Social-Media Crisis


Progressive Insurance is surely longing for the days when the Internet's most pressing question about its spokeswoman Flo was whether she is hot or not.

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Progressive’s Flo Lets Hair Down in Mother’s Day Video


Stephanie Courtney, who plays Flo in the Progressive Insurance campaign, is one of the great commercial actresses working today. People love her—sometimes a little too much. But Courtney, a former [...]