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How-tos for Generational Marketing to Millennials vs. Gen Z

Generational Marketing

Millennials and Generation Zers have both broken out of a shell that generations prior were determined to mold themselves to. This fact, along with their closeness in age, have led [...]

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Marketers Find the Least-Wrong Answers Via Modeling

Performance Marketing

Why do marketers still build models when we have ample amounts of data everywhere? Because we will never have every piece of data about everything. We just don’t know what [...]

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Marketers Know Time Is Money, So Why Do They Care About the Other 271 Things?

Performance Marketing

Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s founding fathers and a tireless worker, is credited with the expression “Time is Money.” And we all know how true that is. Especially when we [...]

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An SEO Consultant’s 4-Point SEO Holiday Wish List for Santa

Performance Marketing

This year, I want to take a more childish approach and write an SEO wish list for Santa. Here are four things that I want from Santa. These wishes are [...]

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An Instagram World With No ‘Likes’ — How Does the Test Impact Advertisers, Users?

Performance Marketing

Instagram made a big move. What’s the official motive behind testing a social media world with no “likes”? The CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, stated in the announcement that the [...]

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Marketing Pros Provide Advice for Peers

Performance Marketing

When marketing pros provide advice, marketing practitioners listen. One of the high points of the New York marketing community calendar each year is the Silver Apple Gala hosted by the [...]