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The Story Behind the Pants-Soiling ‘Rings’ Prank That Has 200 Million Views in 24 Hours


Viral marketing agency Thinkmodo has had plenty of experience, and success, in doing real-world pranks for horror movies. Think back to 2013’s hugely popular “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise” for the [...]

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Ad of the Day: Mini Packs a Load of Horror Into a Roomy Countryman for Halloween

Brand Marketing

Is there anything scarier than rampaging zombie pageant girls? I submit to you that there is, and it's highway driving in a Mini.

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Benjamin Moore Paints It Black With a Halloween Prank at a Haunted Hotel

Brand Marketing

IDEA: Get the job done right, and get out. Painters like to work quickly—and no more so than when the job site is a spooky, abandoned hotel where centuries-old ghosts [...]

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Zombies in Advertising: Oh, the Horror!


When it comes to scare tactics, advertisers are fond of one rotting, shuffling, foul-smelling, flesh-eating monster in particular: the zombie. In this, they're simply mimicking consumers, who've had an insatiable [...]

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‘ABC’s of Death’ Contest Brought to You by the Letter ‘T’


Drafthouse Films is working on a fun little anthology film called The ABC's of Death, in which 26 directors will contribute segments about death, with each of them assigned a [...]

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Phone Ad Scares Living Daylights Out of British


Boo! This Phones 4U commercial from the U.K., featuring a ghostly little girl who haunts a woman in a deserted parking garage, is scary. We're talking road-safety PSA stuff here—solid [...]