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New Yahoo Tech Editor David Pogue Is Enjoying His Freedom

Performance Marketing

Photo: Alfred Maskeroni

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Brands and Agencies Are Starting to Experiment With Google Glass

Brand Marketing

Google Glass’ role in advertising and content may be a bit out of focus—but initial use of the nascent technology may change that perception, as agencies and brands prepare for [...]

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Facial Recognition Rises to the Fore of Washington’s Privacy Debate

Performance Marketing

Facial recognition is about to become central to the debate about consumer privacy. On Thursday, more than 120 participants representing businesses, social media, advertising, privacy advocates, policymakers—anyone who has an [...]

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Federal Agents Descend on Google Glass Wearer

Performance Marketing

Federal agents interrogated a Google Glass enthusiast for wearing his computerized eyewear in a movie theater, according to reports.

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The Best Brand Extensions of 2013

Brand Marketing

In a sea of questionable extensions, you voted this one the absolute worst. Basketball great Shaquille O’Neal played in 15 All-Star games, won seven MVPs and ranks sixth in points [...]

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Wearable Tech, From Head to Toe

Performance Marketing

In the near future, tech will be wearable and marketable. Indeed, the most forward-thinking brands already see opportunities to integrate with the new mobile computing chips in glasses, watches and [...]