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Why Internet-Famous Dogs Are Fetching So Much Love From Brands

Brand Genius

Social media influencers have transformed the way brands interact with consumers—and a lot of those influencers aren't human.

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This Adorable New Ad From IAMS Dog Food Is Guaranteed to Make You Cry

Brand Marketing

In 1999, IAMS released what the dog food maker calls its most effective spot—and what we call certainly its most blubber-worthy. "Casey" followed the story of a girl and her [...]

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Get a Real Friend, Because Yours Suck, Say Pedigree’s Great Ads for Dog Adoption


Here's a great little campaign for dog adoption by Pedigree and French agency CLM BBDO. Because a dog really will be your best friend, and a loyal one—unlike human best [...]

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Ad of the Day: This Dog’s Incredible Journey Shows Why Family Vacations Should Include Pets

Brand Marketing

Any obsessive dog lover, or pet lover of any stripe, knows how leaving a furry friend behind can be the worst part of going on vacation. How can you part [...]

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This Demo Video of a New Robot Dog Is Creepy, Cool and Pretty Crazy


Letter carriers should be afraid. Very afraid. Meet Spot, a 160-pound, four-legged, dog-like robot developed by Google-owned defense contractor Boston Dynamics.

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Advertising Could Use Another Adorable Dog, Right? Sure It Could, Says Dr Pepper


Deutsch LA unleashes some potent adorbs for Dr Pepper in this ad starring a super-shaggy "mop dog"—a Hungarian herding pooch known as a Puli with a dreadlock-style corded coat. Try [...]