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How Your Landing Page Is Sabotaging Your Google Ads Success

Performance Marketing

You’ve read all the tutorials. You’ve spent countless hours poring over demographic data for targeting, crafting the perfect ad copy, and tweaking your campaign. In fact, you’re doing everything you’re [...]

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What Google’s New AdWords Phone Number and Address Targeting Mean for Marketers


Just in time for the holidays, Google delivered a huge gift to business owners who haven’t been gathering email addresses from customers. Google AdWords now allows businesses to use their [...]

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What Google’s New AdWords Phone Number and Address Targeting Mean for You

Performance Marketing

Just in time for the holidays, Google delivered a huge gift to business owners who haven't been gathering email addresses from customers.

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Boost Your Clicks With AdWords Sitelink Extensions

Performance Marketing

If your goal is acquisition, Google’s pay per click AdWords platform has proved for many to be a viable way to increase leads or sales for your business and, depending [...]

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6 Tips for a Successful Remarketing Campaign

Performance Marketing

Who has a better chance of becoming a paying customer — a random user who is searching for relevant goods and services, or someone who was one click away from [...]

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PPC: 8 Ways to Avoid Busting Your Advertising Budget

Performance Marketing

AdWords is a powerful search engine marketing platform that instantly connects businesses with an ocean of potential customers. But oceans are wild and unpredictable — turn your back, and you [...]