The Straightforward Guide to the Mobile Journey

It’s more than just a device

Mobile advertising isn’t just about creating ads that look good on phones. It’s about understanding the people that carry those phones, and creating experiences that lead to a satisfied customer and a quantifiable purchase.

The problem is the difficulty in matching consumers to devices. Cookies—as we all know—don’t transfer to the mobile world. So what’s a mobile marketer to do?

The Straightforward Guide to the Mobile Journey has some actionable solutions. It walks marketers through the mobile path to purchase—from top to bottom of the funnel—while laying out the most effective ways to match and track consumers and devices from first encounter to full conversion.

In order to properly measure the success and impact of mobile campaigns, marketers need to unite a variety of metrics to form a full picture of the consumer. In the end, it all boils down to linking mobile impressions with a brick-and-mortar purchase.

For details on how to assist consumers through each part of the funnel and how to better attribute your mobile campaigns to actual in-store sales, grab our guide.

Check out “The Straightforward Guide to the Mobile Journey”