Vladimir Putin Says Nyet to Frank Underwood

By Jordan Chariton 

HOC Frank Underwood has gone toe-to-toe with a lot of political foes in Netflix’s political thriller “House of Cards,” but he might have met his match in Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Foreign Policy reports Russia’s United Nation delegation voted against a request from the show to shoot two episodes from season three in the U.N. Security Council. Russia blocked the request, “citing the need to keep the world’s leading security chamber available for unanticipated crises, according to a series of confidential email exchanges between a Russian diplomat and his Security Council counterparts.”

The Russian action came less than a week after U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s office recommended that the 15-nation Security Council allow the cable television series to film in its chamber during off-hours to raise public awareness about the organization. The decision doesn’t foreclose the possibility that the producers of the show might shoot in another section of the U.N.’s gleaming headquarters at Turtle Bay. Foreign Policy first reported on House of Cards filming request last week.


The @FrankUnderwood twitter handle—which isn’t affiliated with Netflix—is not taking a no from Russia lightly.

No word yet on a season three premiere date, but based on a tweet from star Kevin Spacey last week, it seems like production is underway.
