Diverse audience of PBS highlighted by recent Twitter trends

By Natan Edelsburg 

During the month of October, PBS has experienced an interesting phenomena: for three straight Tuesdays, PBS has had a program that has trended on Twitter. More interesting, though are the genres of the shows that were trending- FRONTLINE “League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis”Superheroes: A Never-Ending BattleThe African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, the shows that trended, are completely different and represent the diverse audience of PBS. Here are some statistics from PBS’s Tuesday night trending streak. The American Experience film “War of the Worlds” airs tomorrow night and PBS will see if it can finish October with four straight Tuesday nights with a trending show.

League of Denial 



Different variations of search terms including PBS, Frontline, #LeagueofDenial, NFL, and Concussions

Tweets: 30,821

Impressions: 154,105,374


Superheroes: A Never Ending Battle


Different variations of search terms including PBS and #SuperheroesPBS, Comics

Tweets: 8,237

Impressions: 149,006,785


The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross


Different variations of search terms including PBS, #ManyRiversPBS, and Henry Louis Gates

Tweets: 9,012

Impressions: 44,686,959

