An inside look at Bravo’s social strategy for ‘Online Dating Rituals of the American Male’

By Adam Flomenbaum 

Online-Dating-Rituals-editedFor women, it will provide a glimpse into the male psyche; for men, it will be one Bravo show that they actually don’t mind watching. ‘Online Dating Rituals of the American Male’ premieres on Sunday, March 9 at 10pm EST (before moving to Thursdays on March 13) and each episode will follow two men as they attempt to land a date online. Some men will be seeking wives, while others will be looking for one-night stands.

Bravo’s social strategy will play up the show’s ‘anthropological’ attempt to get to the core of the male psyche. The marketing team will introduce a “What’s Your Dating Species/Which Male Mate Should You Date?” Twitter-based quiz. Users can tweet back answers by selecting 5 hashtags from a “hashtag cloud.” Once tweeted, a reply instantly comes back from @bravotv telling them their Latin species name along with an embedded video that defines their species. Some of the species types include Friendus Alonis (a guy who’s always in the friend zone) and Predatorius Obnoxious (an aggressive player).The anthropological theme will continue throughout season in the form of a hashtag campaigns (for example, is he a  #doucheasapien or #misterightisapien?), which will be referenced on Twitter during each show.

The show is poised to be Bravo’s next big hit – especially as Tinder and Hinge become a greater part of everyday life. Online dating is becoming less stigmatized as the millennial generation takes to and creates their own versions of the more seriously minded and eHarmony. ‘Online Dating Rituals of the American Male’ will certainly appeal to its main 25-54 year-old female target demo, but there is a good chance that this will rope in men in the same age range.

