ZooBorns Website Publishes Print Books

By Maryann Yin 

The popular ZooBorns site has collected baby animal photos since 2008, and now they have published two books. The site was founded by childhood friends Andrew Bielman (a zoology hobbyist) and Chris Eastland (an artist/photographer).

In an interview with Wired, Eastland explained their mission: “We aim to educate while we entertain. We lure folks in with adorable baby-animal pictures, then try to teach them a bit about the conservation challenges faced by those species and what accredited zoos and aquariums are doing to help. We hope this inspires people to get involved in conservation themselves.”

Ten percent of the book’s sales will be donated to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Endowment Fund. The ZooBorns book will be for all readers while ZooBorns!: Zoo Babies from Around the World will focus on 4-to-8-year-old readers.

The authors reveal the most popular post of all time to feature fennec foxes born at the L.A. Zoo. The Asian small-clawed otter pups come in second place. Judging by the way this GalleyCat correspondent cooed, these books are appropriate for adults as well. (Via BookBench)