Writer Who Plagiarized Bestselling Authors Linked To Suspicious Accounts

By Jason Boog 

Over at Dear Author, Jane Litte exposed a romance writer plagiarizing Tammara Webber and Jamie McGuire, generating a flurry of Twitter exchanges. You can read all those deleted responses in our Storify post below…

UPDATE: Author Teresa Mummert uncovered a series of suspicious Facebook profiles, Amazon accounts and Goodreads pages all linked to the plagiarized novel.

The author “Jordin Williams” admitted the copying, removed the book and blamed a ghostwriter for the plagiarism. The author’s site has been removed, but you can see an archived copy at this link.

Dear Author has more, complete with screenshots from the book:

I love Easy by Tammara Webber and so have hundreds of thousands of other readers. Unfortunately, one Jordan Williams recognized this and thought, hmmm, I’ll just incorporate whole swaths of text from Webber’s famous and much beloved book.  Worse, Jordan William’s book is selling like mad. It’s 58 in the US Kindle store, as of this writing.

Below, we’ve created a Storify post linking to all the exchanges between the different authors.

How would you respond if this happened to your book?