Why the Video Game Industry Needs Writers

By Jason Boog 

At the Inside Social Apps conference last month, we caught up with Tista Games CEO Aunim Hossain. In the video embedded above, he shared how writers can find a place in the evolving field of video games. 

According to Hossain, 500 million people worldwide currently play video games, and experts predict that figure will triple in the next ten years. The gaming company CEO explained why that booming industry will need writers.

Check it out: “As we move further and further toward hardcore games with long story-lines and depth of character, you’re really going to have a need for writers to come in and actually give us content that we can then package into a game that players can engage with. When you think about that–that you can actually become this character and interact with objects and other characters. You will have a depth of storytelling that will far surpass everything we see in TV and movies … Storytelling is the best way of keeping people engaged and keeping them playing.”