Why Storytellers Need To Collaborate

By Jason Boog 

Walt Disney Studios story artist Brian Kesinger shared storytelling advice at deviantArt this week.

We’ve embedded a video excerpt from the interview above. AppNewser has more details, but here’s an excerpt about the fine art of collaboration:

My parents are teachers and I think I may have inherited the gene that lets me feel good when I can help someone who might be struggling with a concept finally “get it”. The only reason I am where I am in my career right now is because of other artists sharing their knowledge with me. It’s one of the great things about the collaborative nature of animation. Having a group of artists that you trust to be able to share your work with is the only way to make your art the best it can be; deviantART is the perfect place for that …. I do know that studios look for these mentorship qualities in the artists they hire…

If you want more, AppNewser has some advice from the story artist–explaining how collaboration helped his career grow.