Who’s Got the Best Book Covers of 2009?

By Neal 


Amazon.com‘s Omnivoracious blog has launched a poll asking readers to choose the best book covers of 2009, in categories ranging from fiction and nonfiction to “classics reimagined” (seen above) and “famous faces.” The initial reaction from their readers is somewhat tepid; “is this the best you can do?” asks one reader. “I could pull ten more interesting book covers from 2009 off my personal library shelf and I don’t even read that much.”

We confess that we read so many books in artless galleys that we don’t really have much of a sense of what was out there this year, although we were partial to one cover illustration U.S. readers didn’t get to see, for the debut novel from Sara Stockbridge. And then there were the two books that appropriated Cara Barer artwork. Oh, and that awesome Ricky Mujica painting for the reissue of Peter Blauner‘s Casino Moon… So maybe we do have some favorites after all. How about you?