Who Else Is In If I Did It?

By Neal 

ifididit-goldmans-noguests.jpgSo Nina Diamond was given a copy of the Goldman-enhanced If I Did It by Beaufort Books, after an interview with publisher Eric Kampmann that covers all the familiar territory associated with this book’s path to publication. Diamond knows who the special guest stars are, but she’s not telling, because that information has been embargoed until Oprah Winfrey reveals it on her show next Thursday. But Diamond is still willing to hint at “a very informative Prologue by someone close to the creation of the book, and a big hug of an Afterword by a best-selling writer with a unique insight into the crime, the trial, and the book.”

Armed with that information, I called the Goldmans’ literary agent, Sharlene Martin, and asked if she could confirm or deny that Mark Fuhrman had written the afterword. “Good guess,” she laughed, “but no.” And during my first interview with Eric Kampmann, he guffawed at a rumor I’d floated that Judith Regan had allowed the Goldmans to reprint her “why I published this book” manifesto from last fall as an introduction, so we can probably scratch her from the list, too. Who’s left? Dominick Dunne? Pablo Fenjves? Raffles Van Exel? I’m sure you have your own ideas, and if I can figure out over the weekend how the new polling software works, we could vote on the best guesses come Monday!