We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Kennel…

By Neal 


It’s taken me a while, but I’ve almost gotten through all the photos of dogs and cats that have been sent to GalleyCat over the last two weeks by various writers and publishing pros. Starting with the upper left corner of this quartet, we’ve got Duke: “There’s no way you could post a photo of my editor’s pug and expect me not to send in a competing pet photo,” says Meg Gardiner, who describes her dog as “pensive after learning Catch-22 is not in fact about 22 cats—or maybe he’s just drowsy.”

Working our way clockwise, Jessie Sholl and David Farley wanted to show off Abraham Lincoln, a miniature pinscher/chihuahua mix, while he was taking a break from editing their latest manuscripts. Then Karen Spears Zacharias sent along a photo of Poe (full name: “Poe Edgar Raven Mad”), a Father’s Day present for her husband from their kids. “Poe is 7 weeks old and likes to sleep a lot,” she reports. “He is very social, though, if his whining every time Tim or I walk out the door is any indication.” And Jessica Cutler told us about Biff, her cocker spaniel. Actually, she gave us a link to Biff’s profile on Dogster. “He’s ‘intact,” so he needs to meet girl dogs,” she explained. “You know how it is…”