Wankh Award Celebrates the Smuttiest Book Title

By Maryann Yin 

standfast.jpgJournalist, novelist, and now, award-founder David Barnett has developed the Guardian’s Wankh awards. The person who picks the smuttiest book title will be awarded a copy of Mr Standfast. Barnett is the sole judge of the Wankh winner.

Barnett wrote: “The Wankh awards shall be named in honour of that classic of science-fiction, Jack Vance’s Servants of the Wankh. The 1969 novel, the second in Vance’s Tschai quartet, has had to battle a barrage of titters over the past half-century, thanks to its title. In Vance’s world, the Wankh are one of four warring races who inhabit a distant planet.”

The article does mention Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and John Cleland’s Fanny Hill. Readers, who do you think should be the wankh-iest of contenders? Get your Google on and add your thoughts in the comments section.