Unboring Lit Links: Judging Nathaniel Rich, Ogling Denis Johnson And Making Fun of Margaret Seltzer

By Glynnis 


  • Is lauded ‘The Mayor’s Tongue’ author Nathaniel Rich a good writer, or is he the beneficiary of nepotism and buzz? Judge for yourself: a new short story about running around in subway tunnels is up now at Five Chapters.
  • Colson Whitehead wrote a funny fake profile of fake memoirist Margaret “Jones”: “You write a memoir these days, and someone’s always trying to outdo you. It’s an arms race. Just when you outrun the tsunami, cradling a baby under each arm, you look back and some joker is surfing on that mother, with a whole bandolier of babies across her chest, and she’s juggling flaming torches and a chainsaw to boot. It’s mad crazy on these streets.” [NY Mag]
  • Who knew that NBA winner Denis Johnson was a certified lit hottie? “He has the good looks and physical presence of an outdoorsy leading man: a beefier Dennis Quaid,” reports Gregory Cowles. [Paper Cuts]