UK Nonprofit Pushes Booksellers to Stop Promoting Kids Books by Gender

By Dianna Dilworth 

girlboyLet Toys Be Toys in the UK has launched a campaign that is encouraging children’s publishers and booksellers to get rid of gender-specific marketing for children’s books.

According to the Let Books Be Books, pushing pink princesses on girls and blue robots on boys stifles their development as readers whose interests are a lot more diverse. You can sign a petition to support the effort at this link.

Here is more about the cause from the website: “Children are listening, and take seriously the messages they receive from books, from toys, from marketing and the adults around them. Do we really want them to believe that certain things are off-limits for them because of their gender? They’re not ‘getting it wrong’ if a girl likes robots, or if a boy wants to doodle flowers. These artificial boundaries turn children away from their true preferences, and provide a fertile ground for bullying.”