twXray Measures How Much You Write about Certain Topics on Twitter

By Jason Boog 


Worried that you write too much about a certain topic on Twitter? Concerned that you don’t talk enough about books?

The free twXray tool will actually measure how often you write about key topics on your Twitter feed (no password or commitment necessary). As AllTwitter points out, it is a great way to see how your readers view your Twitter feed. We’ve embedded our profile above–making our book obsession perfectly clear.

Here’s more about the tool: “twXray technology provides a Twitter user with a profile of what he or she is talking about on Twitter. Given a Twitter username, the system retrieves the most recent few hundred tweets from that user, and analyzes them topically using a statistical categorizer. After assigning each tweet to a topical category, the system presents a graphical view of the percentage of the tweets that concern each category. The system also displays some of the specific tweets for each category.”