Tweets, They Are A-Changin’

By Jason Boog 

sharepage.jpgLike Bob Dylan cutting a Christmas album, we’ve made a few changes here at GalleyCat central. The tech crew has simplified the page design and added a host of social bookmarking buttons to make it easier to join the GalleyCat conversation.

Just click the red “Share” button at the bottom of the post to circulate a story the social network of choice, including: Digg, Facebook, Google Reader, Delicious, StumbleUpon, or MySpace. If you feel more inclined to tweet about the story, just click the green “Tweet” button. Along with the extra tools, bylines are now clearly delineated so you can send fan mail and angry letters straight to the correct GalleyCat editor.

Finally, senior editor Ron Hogan and editor Jason Boog have teamed up to curate the brand-new GalleyCat Twitter feed, bringing the publishing blog into the Twitter-sphere. Stop by and say hello, and pass along any comments about the design.