Thomas Pynchon Confirmed as Book Trailer Narrator

By Jason Boog 

pynchonvice.jpgInspired by a GalleyCat investigation, the Wall Street Journal used science to discover if reclusive novelist Thomas Pynchon narrated his own book trailer–finally forcing a confession from an associate publisher at Penguin Press.

Last week GalleyCat inquired about the identity of the narrator for the “Inherent Vice” trailer, receiving a sly “no comment” from the producers. Afterward, an intrepid WSJ reporter ran a check with a voice identification expert, earning confirmation for his troubles. As you enjoy Pynchon’s reading, here’s a collection of more “Inherent Vice” links.

Here’s the confession: “Inquiries by GalleyCat and others as to whether Pynchon is the guy channeling the novel’s main character, beach bum private eye Doc Sportello, have been met with ‘no comment’ from [Penguin Press] … Confronted with [WSJ] findings, Tracy Locke, [associate publisher at Penguin Press], came clean and admitted, ‘It is, in fact, Thomas Pynchon doing the narration.'”

NOTE: An earlier version of this post contained two misidentified titles.